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Showing posts from January, 2024

Where do you get your protein?

Did you know that all of the plant foods we eat contain all 9 essential amino acids? It’s like that simple fact is top secret information. The ratios of those 9 essential amino acids in any single plant differs from the ratio of those same 9 essential amino acids in human flesh but all plant foods that we eat actually contain all of the nine essential amino acids. Beans, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and seeds all have protein. Pinto beans have protein. Kale has protein. Broccoli has protein. A raisin has a bit of protein. A cherry tomato has a bit of protein. Some foods from plants such as soy beans have a lot of protein. A Whole Food, Plant Based diet  from a wide variety of plant foods  will supply all of the nine essential amino acids, provided that a sufficient amount of calories are consumed. Remember: Eat enough calories from a wide variety of plant sources every day. See the following: The Mystique of Protein and Its Implications - Center for Nutrition S

Don't worry about perfection

Some people are able to switch to a Whole Food Plant Based, no added salt, no added oil, no added sugar, no alcohol lifestyle immediately after learning about the benefits of doing so.  Others will start slower. Some will be 100% WFPB no SOSA and others might see 90% as their end goal. The choice is yours to make.  The important thing is that you move in the direction of your goal and if you find yourself moving away from your goal then change direction and resume your progress.

You are so powerful

By switching to a Whole Food, Plant Based diet you are: 1. helping the natural environment recover 2. fighting climate change 3. helping to end animal suffering 4. taking control of your health You're basically a superhero. Well done!

Why no alcohol?

The answer is clear, no level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health. From the World Health Organization: Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive, and dependence-producing substance and has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago – this is the highest risk group, which also includes asbestos, radiation and tobacco. Alcohol causes at least seven types of cancer, including the most common cancer types, such as bowel cancer and female breast cancer. Ethanol (alcohol) causes cancer through biological mechanisms as the compound breaks down in the body, which means that any beverage containing alcohol, regardless of its price and quality, poses a risk of developing cancer. The UK's National Health Service says that there is no completely safe level of drinking .  Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health states  that zero drinks per week is best. The World Cancer Research Fund International:  For cancer prevention, it’s best no

Why no oil?

 When following a Whole Food, Plant-Based diet you eat foods that are as delivered by nature with little or no processing.  For example, you'd choose an apple over apple juice and an orange over orange juice.  That way, you get more micronutrients, fiber and minerals etc.  Cooking vegetables is perfectly fine. Sautéing with water is easy with a bit of practice. Cleanup is easy too with no greasy crockery, pots or pans. Oils are a highly processed food.  They are not whole foods. Typically, they have been refined, bleached, deodorized and then sometimes blended with other oils.  Oils are 100% fat with 9 calories per gram. A single tablespoon of oil will have approximately 125 calories!  Just four tablespoons coming from processed foods, from frying, from salad dressings etc. in a day would add 500 calories! That's 500 calories with just about zero nutrients and no fiber. Empty calories. Healthy fats, in their whole form, are not avoided. Walnuts, almonds, flax seeds, chia seeds