Did you know that all of the plant foods we eat contain all 9 essential amino acids? It’s like that simple fact is top secret information. The ratios of those 9 essential amino acids in any single plant differs from the ratio of those same 9 essential amino acids in human flesh but all plant foods that we eat actually contain all of the nine essential amino acids.
Beans, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and seeds all have protein. Pinto beans have protein. Kale has protein. Broccoli has protein. A raisin has a bit of protein. A cherry tomato has a bit of protein. Some foods from plants such as soy beans have a lot of protein.Remember: Eat enough calories from a wide variety of plant sources every day.
See the following:
The Mystique of Protein and Its Implications - Center for Nutrition Studies
Eat Plant Protein to Live Longer | DrFuhrman.com
How Plant Protein Wins Over Animal Protein | DrFuhrman.com
Where Do You Get Your Protein? - Center for Nutrition Studies
From Dr. Michael Greger's Daily Dozen | NutritionFacts.org
Each day, I recommend a minimum of three servings of beans (legumes), one serving of berries, three servings of other fruits, one serving of cruciferous vegetables, two servings of greens, two servings of other veggies, one serving of flaxseeds, one serving of nuts and seeds, one serving of herbs and spices, three servings of whole grains, five servings of beverages, and one serving of exercise (90 minutes at moderate intensity or 40 minutes of vigorous activity).From G-BOMBS: The anti-cancer foods that should be in your diet right now | DrFuhrman.com
Looking for the biggest bang for your caloric buck? Remember the acronym G-BOMBS, which stands for Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds. These foods fuel your body with protective micronutrients and phytochemicals that support your immune defenses and have a wide range of health-promoting effects. And here’s a bonus: They’re delicious!
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